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C. Wilson, E. Marcq, C. Gillmann, T. Widemann, O. Korablev, N. Mueller, M. Lefèvre, P. Rimmer, S. Robert, M. Zolotov and T. Widemann. Possible Effects of Volcanic Eruptions on the Modern Atmosphere of Venus Space Science Reviews, Chapter part of Venus: Evolution Through Time collection
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C. Gillman, G. Arney, G. Avice, M. Dyer, G. Golabek, A. Gulcher, N. Johnson, M. Lefèvre and T. Widemann. Venus Treatise on Geochemistry
[ arXiv ]

J. Leconte, A. Spiga, N. Clément, S. Guerlet, F. Selsis, G. Milcareck, T. Cavalié, R. Moreno, E. Lellouch, Ó. Carrión-González, B. Charnay and M. Lefèvre. A 3D picture of moist-convection inhibition in hydrogen-rich atmospheres: Implications for K2-18 b Astronomy & Astrophysics
[ arXiv ]


E. Marcq, B. Bézard, J.-M. Reess, F. Henry, S. Érard, S. Robert, F. Montmessin, F. Lefèvre, M. Lefèvre, A. Stolzenbach, J.-L. Bertaux, G. Piccioni, and P. Drossart. Minor species in Venus’ night side troposphere as observed by VIRTIS-H/Venus Express Icarus , 405, 115714
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T. Encrenaz, T. K. Greathouse, R. Giles, T. Widemann, B. Bézard, M. Lefèvre, and W. Shao. HDO and SO2 Thermal mapping on Venus. VI. An anomalous SO2 behavior during Autumn 2021 Astronomy & Astrophysics , 674, A199
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M. Lefèvre, X. Tan, E. Lee, and R. T. Pierrehumbert. Cloud-convection feedback in brown dwarfs atmosphere The Astrophysical Journal, 929, 153.
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M. Lefèvre, E. Marcq, and F. Lefèvre. The Impact of Turbulent Vertical Mixing in the Venus Clouds on Chemical Tracers Icarus, 86, 115148.
[ arXiv | Journal website | ADS link | Bibtex entry]

M. Lefèvre Venus boundary layer dynamics: eolian transport and convective vortex Icarus, 387, 115167.
[ arXiv | Journal website | ADS link | Bibtex entry]


M. Lefèvre, M. Turbet, and R. T. Pierrehumbert. 3D cloud-convection model of temperate, tidally-locked exoplanets The Astrophysical Journal, 913, 101.
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X. Tan, M. Lefèvre, and R. T. Pierrehumbert. Convection Modeling of Pure-steam Atmospheres The Astrophysical Journal Letters,923, L15.
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G. Mahapatra, M. Lefèvre, L. Rossi, A. Spiga, and D. M. Stam. Polarimetry as a tool for observing orographic gravity waves on Venus The Planetary Science Journal, 2(3):96.
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J. E. Silva, P. Machado, J. Peralta, F. Brasil, S. Lebonnois, and M. Lefèvre Characterising atmospheric gravity waves on the nightside lower clouds of Venus: a systematic analysis Astronomy & Astrophysics, 649, A34
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T. Fauchez, et al. TRAPPIST Habitable Atmosphere Intercomparaison (THAI) workshop report Planetary Science Journal., 2(3):106.
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M. Lefèvre, A. Spiga, and S. Lebonnois. Mesoscale modeling of Venus' bow-shape waves Icarus, 335-113376, 2019
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M. Lefèvre, S. Lebonnois, and A. Spiga. Three-dimensional turbulence-resolving modeling of the Venusian cloud layer and induced gravity waves: inclusion of complete radiative transfer and wind shear Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets), 123, 2018.
[ PDF version | Journal website | ADS link | Bibtex entry ]

O. Venot, Y. Bénilan, N. Fray,M.-C. Gazeau, F. Lefèvre, Et. Es-sebbar, E. Hébrard, M. Schwell, C. Bahrini, F. Montmessin, M. Lefèvre, and I. P. Waldmann.VUV-absorption cross section of carbon dioxide from 150 to 800 K and applications to warm exoplanetary atmospheres Astronomy & Astrophysics, 609:a34, 2018.
[ arXiv | Journal website | ADS link | Bibtex entry ]


M. Lefèvre, A. Spiga, and S. Lebonnois. Three-dimensional turbulence-resolving modeling of the Venusian cloud layer and induced gravity waves Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets), 122:134--149, 2017.
[ PDF version | Journal website | ADS link | Bibtex entry ]

Selected Conference Proceedings


Cloud-convection feedback in brown dwarfs atmosphere (Poster) M. Lefèvre, X. Tan, E. Lee and R. Pierrehumbert Exoclimes VI

Impact of the turbulent vertical mixing on the Venus cloud chemistry. M. Lefèvre, E. Marcq and F. Lefèvre 2023 EnVsion workshop


Modélisation méso-échelle de l’atmosphère de Vénus (invited). M. Lefèvre Demi-journée du thème "Systèmes solaires" : retour sur Vénus

Mesoscale modelling of the Venus atmosphere (invited). M. Lefèvre Venus Atmosphere workshop/GFD Dennou

Cloud-convection feedback in brown dwarfs atmosphere M. Lefèvre, X. Tan, E. Lee and R. Pierrehumbert OWL Summer Program 2022


Turbulence in the Venus atmosphere. M. Lefèvre Venus Science Conference 2021

Cloud-convection feedback in brown dwarfs atmosphere M. Lefèvre, X. Tan, E. Lee, and R. Pierrehumbert1 EPSC 2021

Turbulent vertical mixing of H2O and SO2 in the Venus cloud layer. M. Lefèvre, E. Marcq, T. Encrenaz, and F. Lefèvre EPSC 2021

Diurnal cycle of the Venus near-surface dynamics. M. Lefèvre EPSC 2021


3D cloud-resolving model of temperate tidally-locked exoplanet (invited) M. Lefèvre and M. Turbet, THAI workshop

3D cloud-resolving model of temperate tidally-locked exoplanets. (Poster) M. Lefèvre and M. Turbet, Exoplanets III

Turbulent Vertical Mixing of H2O and SO2 in Venus Cloud Layer. M. Lefèvre and E. Marcq, Envision Conference 2020


Three-dimensional turbulence-resolving modeling of tidally locked exoplanetary atmosphere. M. Lefèvre and M. Turbet, EPSC/DPS 2019

Turbulence modelling in Titan's zonal wind collapse (Poster) M. Lefèvre, J. Vatant D'Ollone, A. Spiga and S. Lebonnois, EPSC/DPS 2019

Subgrid parametrization of the venusian cloud convective activity and associated gravity waves. (Poster) M. Lefèvre and A. Boissinot, EPSC/DPS 2019

Three-dimensional turbulence-resolving modeling of Proxima-B exoplanetary atmosphere. M. Lefèvre and M. Turbet, Exolcimes V

Organization of the convection of the Venusian cloud layer M. Lefèvre, A. Spiga and S. Lebonnois, International Venus Conference


3D mesoscale modeling of the turbulence of Venus atmopshere (Poster), M. Lefèvre, S. Lebonnois and A. Spiga, Astrosim

3D Mesocale Modeling of the Venus Atmosphere (invited) , M. Lefèvre, S. Lebonnois and A. Spiga, CPS/WTK Mini-Workshop on Planetary Atmospheres II


Three-dimensional turbulence-resolving modeling of the Venusian cloud convective layer, M. Lefèvre, A. Spiga, and S. Lebonnois, EPSC 2017

Mesoscale Modeling of the Atmosphere of Venus: Convection and Gravity Waves (Poster), M. Lefèvre, A. Spiga, and S. Lebonnois, Venus Modeling Workhop 2017

Three-dimensional turbulence-resolving modeling of the Venusian cloud layer and induced gravity waves, M. Lefèvre, A. Spiga, and S. Lebonnois., EGU 2017


Three-dimensional turbulence-resolving modeling of the Venusian cloud layer and associated gravity waves (Poster), M. Lefèvre, A. Spiga, and S. Lebonnois., DPS 2016

Three-dimensional mesoscale modeling of the Venusian cloud layer and associated gravity waves, M. Lefèvre, A. Spiga, and S. Lebonnois., Venus International Conference 2016

Thesis (2018)

Modélisation petite échelle de l’atmosphère de Vénus : Convection et onde de gravité (in french)
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